Do not disrespect the great people

Trolls Page

        Noble man (Manishers) are becoming targets of attacking  dirty trolling culture.Trolling or undesirable, it is believed that trolling pages are actually trolled to make fun of the trolling pages of the administrators. However, trolls posted on social media in the recent past have been trying to spread another kind of message. The page administrators are basically making the universe unobtrusive with their own views. Suppose that he thinks he is a hero in Gods, then in the eyes of the opposite reaction Mahatma Gandhi Villain in his eyes. 
Posting pictures of Bapu with naked, half-yearly women.Later, fake, photoshop is proved to be damned but he does not bother. 
The traitors are not misguided, in many cases, the Father of Nation Again, suppose he is a Bengali-speaking but blind Hindi culture fan. So, the aim of attacking him is the whole of Bengali literature, culture, history and history. The Bengali speaking people can not insult the leader of Netaji, because he is becoming the center of the attack, the greatness of Subhas. Similarly, if he believes in the fury of a religion, whatever religion it is, in his eyes, the people of other religions, the lower house - inhuman. 
It is better not to question the politics of a political debate. We are always looking at dirty politics trotting pages. In fact, the troll is now nothing but the manifestation of a humiliating humiliation.The common people are not far away, the people who are being discouraged from the dirty trolling culture. Which is constantly wounding our heart. 


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

ধীবর বৃত্তান্ত নাটকের প্রধান কুশীলব ধীবরের চরিত্র বিশ্লষণ করছেন বিশিষ্ট প্রাবন্ধিক আরিফুল ইসলাম সাহাজি ।

পথের দাবি গল্পে গিরিশ মহাপাত্রের পোশাক পরিচ্ছেদ ও অদ্ভুত দর্শন বিষয়ক আলোচনা ।

দাম গল্পটি ছাত্র শিক্ষক পবিত্র সম্পর্কের উপর গভীর ছায়াপাত করেছে । মাস্টারমশায় শাসন করতেন , ভালবাসতেন না । এটা ঠিক নয় ' , আলোচনা করছেন বিশিষ্ট প্রাবন্ধিক আরিফুল ইসলাম সাহাজি ।